Plot Summary
While watching a cricket match on T.V. at his home in Schererville, Indiana, Dr. Arun Goel, a retired cardiologist suffers an innocent fall as he gets up from the couch, which results in paralysis from the neck down.
His wife, also a physician, performs CPR and saves his life. While he makes it to the emergency room, to the intensive care unit, through rehabilitation and subsequently comes back home, the family, doctors and caregivers struggle to control his vitals and extreme pain. Furthermore, the family cannot find enough skilled caregivers to care for him, and even the designated agency only comes 60% of the time, which results in the family caring for him often. He ultimately gets sick again and winds up back in the ICU. There, he decides he does not want to be a burden on his family and makes the decision to disconnect his ventilator and life support.
The family struggles to see him (and themselves) through this dark time. Family members and friends, some flying in from as far as India, rally around him as he deliberates his decision to live or die.
Sometimes humorous, sometimes heart-breaking, always heart-felt, Should Tomorrow Be documents the dilemma that Dr. Goel goes through and the raw, unscripted and unflinching reactions of his family and friends through actual home hospital footage, which provides viewers with intimate access to the struggle and the conversations that take place inside that small ICU room in September 2006.